Issue 2, Year 2, November' 2010

Content, Issue 2
Peter Schulte. Networking for Innovation: Advantage and Benefit for the Regional Development
Diana Antonova, Daniel Pavlov. Science, Research, Knowledge, Heart. Which Are the Driving Forces Behind the Regional Development?
Anton Nedyalkov. Service Blueprints: Methodology for Development
Elena Bundaleska. Employee Motivation : A Guide for Entrepreneurs Managing People
Svilen Kunev. Using Case Study in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education: Methodological Aspects
Short scientific
Adrian Triandafil, Cristina Triandafil, Dorina Poanta. Is There a Need to Perform Financial Analysis Based on the Level of Economic Development Criteria? A Comparative Approach at the Level of the Emerging and Developed Countries
Ljiljana Arsic, Zoran Milicevic. Quality Measurement of Innovative Efficiency of a Company
Natalia Nikolova, Daniela Toneva-Zheynova, Biser Stoyanov, Kiril Tenekedjiev. Models for Estimation of Correlation Coefficients Using Conditional Quartiles for Two-dimensional Normal Distributions
Vasilika Kume. Innovation Management in the Insurance Sector in Albania
Dejan Riznic. The Importance of Research and Development for Companies and Entrepreneurs in Gaining Competitive Advantage
Dragana Zivkovic, Dragan Manasijevic, Nada Strbac, Ivan Mihajlovic, Zivan Zivkovic, Milan Stevanovic. Analysis of Entrepreneurial Initiative in SMEs in Leskovac (Serbia)
Velislava Nikolaeva. The Application of Real Options for Evaluation of Innovations in the Example of „S-Press”
Case Studies
Rumen Kostov. Modern Approaches and Practices Applied in Management of Mechanical Engineering Companies
Issue 1, Year 1, November' 2009

Content, Issue 1
Antonova, D. Significance of the Knowledge
Production Function for
Industrial Clustering
Hessel, D. Entrepreneurship – An Important
Academic Discipline for Business Education in the 21st Century and the
Idea of an Entrepreneurial University
Kirova, M. Methodic for Evaluation of
the Innovation Potential
Kume, V., A Koxhaj, A. Kumke. SMEs - A
Key Factor for Economic Growth and Employment
Papazov, E., L.Mihaylova. Starting-up
an Own Business: Methodological Apects
Best Practices
Andreeva, M. Entrepreneurial Environment
and Entrepreneurial Activities of the Small and Medium Businesses in
Bogdanova, Z., N. Naydenov, A. Nedyalkov. Methodology for Investigation of
Trends and Attitudes for Innovations in Rural Areas
Gedinach, V. The Role of Global Value
Chains and their Influence on the Development of Industrial Clusters
in Automobile Industry
Graef, M. The Role of Universities and
the State in Entrepreneurship Education in Germany
Izvercianu, M., C. Guta.Training Needs
for Business Creation
Milos, M., L. Milos, V. Rindasu, C. Rudolf.
The Role of Finance in Placing Small and Medium-sized Romanian Enter-prises
on the European Single Market
Paskaleva, M., S. Ruskova. Database on
the Problems of Quality Control Systems (QCS) – An Applicable Solution
in the Context of Collaboration Networks
Serdarevic, N., D. Zecic. Innovative
Accounting System Design to Strengthen Entrepreneurial Attitude in SEE
Todorov., K., E. Papazov. A Successful
Model of Entrepreneurship Education and Training in Transition Countries:
the Example of Bulgaria
Zivkovic, Z., D. Zivkovic. Determinannts
of Entrepreneurial Activities in Serbia
Case Studies
Pavlov, D. Financial Limits to Small
Starters in Pellet Production – the Case of NIK-05 Ltd
Papazov, E., L.Mihaylova. The company
'Kraft Foods' in the Labyrinth of Bulgarian Business
(Case study)
Vadnjal, J., M. Letonja. Commercial Nanks
and SME's: Case of Slovenia
Bencheva, N., D. Yordanova,Y. Ruseva.
Opportunities for Development of the Photovoltaic Sector in Bulgaria